Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Note from Hank

Hank wanted to say a few words before we took off on our adventure...

Hewo! I just wanted to say bye bye to all my friends. My momma says dat she found me a weally nice famwe in Cawowado. I don't know where dat is but she says we are weaving tamawoah and I get to go in da VEEhicle! I WUV VEEhicles! My momma says I a pain cuz I won't stay outta dem. I can't help it wough. I just wuv to go! My momma says she hopes I get out at da west stops awong da way to go potty and not ho up in da VEEhicle wike I sometimes do. She gets funny wooking when dat happens and wells awot. I just smile so she wuvs me more. It's weally fun game.

I may be free years ode but I awready wived in two states. I weally hope dis is my wast one. I weally want to say fanks to da nice people at da Wocky Mountain Wab Wescue for finding me a home. I weally want my own famwe, dat's all us pups ever want, a famwe who will wuv us. I kinda sad bout weaving my brotters, Bones and Copper, but I not gonna miss dat silwe dog Boomer AT ALL! My momma says she weally gonna miss me but she soooo happy for me and dat I gonna wike Cawowado cuz Cowowado wikes pups wike me. Yahoo! Dats all I had to say. Oh oh oh! Don't forget about pups wike me when you are wooking for a new famwe member...wescue pups are da bestest!


P.S. My momma and me had wots of fun when I got on da bobcat. Especially since I taught it wuz a VEEhicle!

1 comment:

jjgraphix said...

Hi Katie! This is Jess and Ryan, Hank's new family. Just wanted to let you know that Hank is doing fabulous, enjoying his new home, his abundant supply of toys, and the great outdoors in Colorado. We couldn't be happier with the big guy, he is just the most mellow, yet sassy, lab we have ever met. He gets the occasional play date with his cousin Barley, a much smaller yellow lab, and they have a great time together. Hank has been around my friend's 3 year old daughter, who up until she met Hank was very intimated by dogs - but she fell in love with Hank! Thanks for bringing our boy all the way up from Oklahoma, once we saw his photo on RMLR's website, we knew that this was the dog for us. Keep up the dog saving!